How To Update Garmin Collars
How To Update Your Collar
How to update your collars using Garmin Express
Step 1: Connect your collar to your computer with the USB cable
Step 2: Launch Garmin Express
- Windows: Double-click the shortcut on the desktop or search Garmin Express in your search bar.
- Mac: Garmin Express can be found in the Application folder in Finder
Step 3: Select your collar
- NOTE: If this is the first time using Garmin Express, you will need to add the device.
Step 4: Garmin Express will then display all available updates. Select Install or Install All.
- Review and accept any prompts for Terms and Conditions or Important News
Step 4: Once complete, disconnect your device from the computer and power on the collar to allow it to load the update.
- It can take up to 5 minutes to apply the update, the LED light will display green during this time.
How To Update Garmin Handhelds
How To Update Your Handhelds
Updating the Alpha 200 and Alpha 200i with Wi-Fi
Step 1: Updating the Alpha 200 and Alpha 200i with Wi-Fi
Step 2: Select Wi-Fi and follow the prompts to connect with your WiFi network.
- Alpha 200i cannot connect to business networks that employ captive-portal style web-browser acceptance such as what restaurants or hotels use.
- Alpha 200i requires the use of a 2.4Ghz WiFi router, 5Ghz routers are not supported.
- Updates will automatically download when they become available and you are within Wi-Fi range.
After an update is downloaded, the Alpha 200i will prompt you to Accept and Install the update.
As part of the updating process, the Alpha 200i will restart.
Updating Your Garmin Handheld with Garmin Express
Step 1: You need Garmin Express installed on your computer first. If you already have Express installed, skip this step.
Step 2: Connect your Garmin to the computer with the appropriate USB cable.
Step 3: Garmin Express will be launched during the installation process. If you already had Garmin Express installed, launch Express.
- Windows: Either double-click the Express icon in the system tray (next to your time), double-click the shortcut on the desktop, or search for Garmin Express in your Start menu.
- Mac: Garmin Express can be found in the Applications folder in Finder.
Step 5: Garmin Express will display the available updates. Click Install or Install All to install all of the updates.
Step 6: Review the Terms and Conditions and click Accept to proceed.
Step 7: Review the important notes before continuing to ensure the software update installs smoothly. Click Continue.
Step 8: Once the update starts, Garmin Express will display the current progress.
- NOTE: Hover your mouse cursor over the progress bar for detailed progress information.
Step 9: You will see an Updates complete! message when the update is finished.
Step 10: Once complete, disconnect your Garmin from the computer and power it on to make sure the software updates installed successfully.
- NOTE: You may have to select Install on the device to fully install the updates.
How To Turn On Collar Light
How To Turn On TT15/TT15 Mini Collar Light
You can turn on the LEDs on the collar at night to help locate a dog or to warn drivers if a dog wanders near a road. The light is visible for up to 100 yards.
Step 1: Select Dog List.
Step 2: Select a dog.
Step 3: Select Show Info
Step 4: Select > Adjust Collar Light
Step 5: Select Continuous Blink Slow, or Blink Fast.
How To Install SD Card Into Handheld
Installing A Memory (SD Card) Into Your Handheld
You can install a microSD memory card in the handheld device for additional storage or pre-loaded maps.
Step 1: Turn the D-ring counter-clockwise, and pull up to remove the cover.
Step 2: Remove the battery.
Step 3: Slide the card holder to the left and lift up.
Step 4: Place the memory card with the gold contacts facing down.
Step 5: Close the card holder.
Step 6: Slide the card holder to the right to lock it.
Step 7: Replace the battery and cover.
How To Pair Collar To Handheld
Step 1: Tap Dog List
Step 2: Tap Add Dog
Step 3: Tap Yes
Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions:
- With the collar off, press and hold the Power button on the collar until it emits two beeps (about 2 seconds), and then release. The status LED will flashgreen indicating the collar is ready to be paired.
Step 5: If desired, enter a name for the dog. Then touch check mark in the lower right to confirm.
The collar is now successfully paired.
How To Master Reset Collar
If the T 5, TT 10 or TT 15 collar is failing to operate as expected, corrupt data may be the cause. Performing a master reset will reset the collar to factory settings and clear data, resolving these issues.
To perform a master reset*:
Step 1: Ensure the device is powered off
Step 2: Connect charging clip to collar
Step 3: Connect USB cable to collar
Step 4: Connect USB cable to power source (computer or AC wall adapter)
Step 5: Ensure collar light is active to confirm connection
Step 6: Firmly press the Power button 4 times (each button press should produce a quiet tone from the collar)
Step 7: Disconnect USB cable and charging clip from collar
The collar has now been reset and is ready for use. If the collar did not reset you may want to try the sequence again and ensure you are hearing the quiet tone after each button press. After the reset, it may be necessary to leave the device outside with a clear view of the sky for 20 minutes to acquire satellites.
*While it is safe to perform a master reset on a Mac with these collars, it is not safe to update the software on Mac. Please update the software of the collars using a Windows based computer. For instructions on updating collars, see related content.
How To Fix A Collar That Will Not Charge or Power On
To fix a collar that will not charge:
Step 1: Inspect the charging clip and AC adapter or vehicle power cable for any damage and replace if necessary
Step 2: Try removing and reconnecting the charging clip to the collar
Step 3: Make sure the charging contacts are clean and dry
- Refer to the video below for general collar cleaning instructions:
To fix a collar that will not power on:
Step 1: Press and hold the power button for up to 60 seconds
Step 2: Make sure the battery is charged
Step 3: Attempt to power the collar on while connected to a power source
- If the collar powers on, leave it plugged in to charge the battery
- If the collar powers off immediately when disconnected after attempting to charge, the battery may need to be replaced.
- Replacement batteries can be purchased from us.
To fix a collar that will not power off or shows a solid red light:
Step 1: Press and hold the power button for up to 60 seconds.
Step 2: Charge the battery for 3 hours.
Step 3: Master Reset the dog device.
If the collar is a GPS tracking collar, you will want to make sure the collar is on the latest software version.
To prevent future battery related issues, refer to the related content for proper storage techniques.
How To Charge Alpha Handheld
Step 1: Lift the weather cap, as indicated with number 1 on the image below.

Step 2: Plug the small end of the power cable into the mini-USB port, as indicated with number 2 on the image above.
Step 3: Plug the other end of the power cable into an appropriate power source.
The LCD display on the handheld device shows the current battery charge level. Charging is complete when the battery charge level icon stops flashing.
How To Charge Collars
You should fully charge the battery before you use the device for the first time. Charging a fully depleted battery takes about five hours.
Step 1: Snap the charging clip, shown as number 1 on the image below, onto the device, shown as number 2 on the image below.

Step 2: Plug the small end of the power cable into the mini-USB port on the charging clip cable.
Step 3: Plug the power cable into a power source.
- The status LED is solid red when the collar is charging.
Step 4: After the status LED turns solid green, remove the charging clip from the collar.